Tuesday, August 16, 2005

50 Book Challenge #41: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 2

After much delay, I finally picked up the second volume in Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series. He levels the League to the ground, along with much of London, although the printed material after the graphic section reveals, in a forest of dense allusions to other works of the fantastic, that hope remains for future volumes.

In the course of this creative destruction, many things unwind: the sexual tension between Mina and Allan, Mina's scarf, the tightly wound aggression of Hyde, and Griffin's barely repressed mercenary impulses. If you skip the material in the almanac at the back of the volume, you'll have a much different impression of the ending than you would otherwise, so read it all.

Query: Who are John and Gullivar, the humans in the first several pages? Is "Gullivar" Gulliver of the former League?
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